Director: Diego Silva Acevedo

Diego Silva Acevedo is an accomplished and versatile filmmaker from Colombia with over twelve years of experience in the industry. He has expertise in cinematography, directing, visual effects, and writing, and has worked on a range of productions including independent films, music videos, and commercials.

Diego is also the creator, director, and producer of the feature film Hunting Souls, and now is working as Creative Director in MundoNow.

Throughout his career, Diego has collaborated with prestigious news, television, and film organizations such as Nascar, Coke, Crest, Kelly Talk Show, and MundoNow. He has won numerous awards, including nine Southeast Emmy Awards, and his films have been recognized at prominent film festivals around the world.

Diego’s passion and expertise have made him an internationally recognized filmmaker and an expert in his field. He is the owner of Seven Studios Production and has worked with well-known brands such as Cox Media Group, Toyota, NFL, NASCAR, and MundoNow. With his impressive credentials and experience, Diego is a talented filmmaker to watch in the industry.

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